Board of Directors Minutes
April 10, 2006

A regular meeting of your Board of Directors was held at the Resource Center on Monday, April 10, 2006. Present were Messrs. Bovaird, Corzo, Gallichotte, Henderson, Leifels, Preston, Scheef, Setaro and Yates. Also present was Allan Ostergren. President Jeff Setaro presided and Secretary Lisa Leifels kept the record. Minutes of the last meeting held on March 13, 2006 were approved.

Treasurer Charles Bovaird reported current cash assets of $12,091.21, consisting of total bank and postal accounts in the amount of $12,042.66, plus postage on hand of $48.55. Subtracting a liability of prepaid dues in the amount of $5,629.00 left a net equity of $6,462.21. He also reported that there are 334 members.

On May 2nd, David Freda will do a Whole House Integration presentation. On June 6 th, Dave Marra will talk about new Apple Hardware and Software. On July 11 th David Goldberg and Shirley Fredlund will discuss the Voice for Jonie and MyTobii Eye Control Assistive Technology.

Jamie is currently negotiating with Microsoft to do a presentation; he needs to give them three available dates. He also reported that the manager of Best Buy is willing to do a presentation on HDTV, TIVO and other emerging technologies.

Jeff Setaro recommended a few changes to the DACS website to draw more attention to the upcoming meeting and less to last months meeting. He suggested putting information about the upcoming meeting directly on the homepage, instead of the box with the prior meeting review.

Bruce Preston recommended we table purchasing a laptop, until Microsoft’s new operating system Vista is out. Jim Scheef thought a good project for the PC Maintenance SIG, would be to upgrade the hardware and software of an existing desktop in the Resource Center for Richard Corzo to use at the MacIntosh SIG.

Sean Henderson feels that we need to work on making DACS more visible locally. He brought up the idea of creating bumper stickers with the DACS website address on it. Sean offered to put together some samples and email them to the board.

Jamie Yates suggested the idea of rewarding DACS members who bring in new members by extending their membership by two months. Jeff Setaro recommended we investigate increasing the DACS membership cost, to offset the growing expense of producing and mailing out the newsletter. He will address this topic in the President’s column.

John Lansdale has agreed to temporarily fill in being the SIG leader for the Linux SIG, now that Bill Keane has moved out of the area.

Allen Ostegren asked if we could stream a short video about the Voice for Joanie on the DACS website. Jeff Setaro suggested putting the website on the website and linking to it from the DACS website.

John Gallichotte reported that he is in the process of editing the videotape of the April General Meeting. He also said that Charter Cable is willing to show it on their public access channel.

—Lisa Leifels

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