Board of Directors Minutes
May 8, 2006

A regular meeting of your Board of Directors was held at the Resource Center on Monday, May 8, 2006. Present were Messrs. Berger, Bovaird, Leifels, Preston, Setaro and Yates. Also present were Allan Ostergren and Marc Cohen. President Jeff Setaro presided and Secretary Lisa Leifels kept the record. Minutes of the last meeting held on April 10, 2006 were approved.

Treasurer Charles Bovaird reported current cash assets of $12,190.77, consisting of total bank and postal accounts in the amount of $12,091.50, plus postage on hand of $99.27. Subtracting a liability of prepaid dues in the amount of $5,439.00 left a net equity of $6,751.77. He also reported that there are 326 members, of which 57 are electronic.

On June 6 th, Dave Marra will talk about new Apple Hardware and Software. On July 11 th David Goldberg and Shirley Fredlund will discuss Voice for Joanie and MyTobii Eye Control Assistive Technology. Jamie is going to work on getting Best Buy to do a presentation in August.

Bruce mentioned that the Department of Justice attended a recent Boys and Girls Club Conference and they handed out a presentation on Internet Safety. Bruce offered to look over the presentation and report back if this would be a feasible idea for a future presentation.

Howie Berger recommended we explore having less than 12 general meetings each year. Jeff Setaro suggested we switch to bi-monthly meetings. Jeff will bounce this idea off of the membership in his president’s column. Howie also thought that on occasion it would make a more interesting general meeting if we have two speakers with opposing points of view such as Apple and Microsoft or Circuit City and Best Buy.

The board agreed that for the months of June, July and August in 2006, members who bring in a new member will have their membership extended by two months. The board also voted and approved raising membership dues to $30 a year and the electronic only membership to $20 a year.

Jamie said he would send Richard a note asking him to speak to someone at the apple store to find out if they can put up a poster advertising the June 4 th general meeting. The board agreed with Jeff’s recommendation that we have a drawing for a 4 gigabyte iPod Nano at the next general meeting.

Jeff said that Allan is retiring from being the editor of the newsletter at the end of this year and we need to start looking for a replacement. Marc Cohen said he is willing to stay on and do the production of the newsletter. Allan said that we will need to buy an updated version of PageMaker. Jeff asked Allan to write up a brief job description that we could include in the newsletter.

Jeff told Charlie, he thought that we should renew our membership with the Danbury Chamber of Commerce.


—Lisa Leifels


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