Board of Directors Minutes
June 12, 2006

A regular meeting of your Board of Directors was held at the Resource Center on Monday, June 12, 2006. Present were Messrs. Bovaird, Corzo, Gallichotte, Leifels, Setaro and Yates. President Jeff Setaro presided and Secretary Lisa Leifels kept the record. Minutes of the last meeting held on May 8, 2006 were approved.

Treasurer Charles Bovaird reported current cash assets of $11,794.33, consisting of total bank and postal accounts in the amount of $11,715.47, plus postage on hand of $78.86. Subtracting a liability of prepaid dues in the amount of $5,529.00 left a net equity of $6,265.33. He also reported that there are 327 members, of which 60 are electronic.

On July 11, David Goldberg and Shirley Fredlund will discuss the Voice for Joanie program and MyTobii Eye Control Assistive Technology. Jamie has a commitment from Best Buy to do a presentation at the August general meeting. Jamie requested that Best Buy discuss some of the newer technologies, such as TiVo and HDTV. He has not heard back from Microsoft, but will get in touch with them again. He also contacted the magazine Smart Computing about doing a presentation. Mike Kaltschnee has offered to do an updated presentation on blogging and podcasting. Jamie will look into finding a speaker to discuss some of the more popular non IE browers, such as Firefox and Opera.

Charlie reported that the membership attendance at the June general meeting was five more than the previous meeting, with an additional eighteen visitors signing in. When Jeff asked the audience where they had heard about the meeting, most said they found out about the meeting from the DACS website. Jeff said that the winner of the Nano, read about the meeting in the Danbury News-Times. Charlie said three new people had signed up to become members.

Jamie noticed that many of the other computer user groups have switched to having only an electronic version of their newsletter. Jamie asked Charlie what percent of the membership he has email addresses for. Charlie said he has the email addresses for about 2/3 of the membership. Since printing the newsletter is one of the biggest expenses, Jamie thought we should review this matter again in the middle of next year.

At the last board meeting, Howie Berger recommended having less than twelve general meetings a year. Richard Corzo thought having a general meeting every other month would not be a good idea. Jamie recommended we not have a general meeting during one of the summer months when the attendance usually decreases.

Jamie suggested that Sean Henderson get in touch with Ken Graff, who is the leader of the Digital Imaging SIG, to come up with a more innovative DACS sticker.

–Lisa Leifel


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