Board of Directors Minutes
May 7, 2007

TA regular meeting of your Board of Directors was held on Monday, May 7, 2007. Present were Howard Berger, Charles Bovaird, Richard Corzo, John Gallichotte, John Lansdale, Lisa Leifels, Patrick Libert, Rob Limbaugh, Chris Novell, Jim Scheef, Jeff Setaro and Jamie Yates. President Rob Limbaugh presided and secretary Lisa Leifels kept the record. Minutes of the last meeting held on April 9, 2007 were approved.

Treasurer Charles Bovaird reported current cash assets of $10,011.87, consisting of total bank and postal accounts in the amount of $9,939.44 plus postage on hand of $72.43. Subtracting a liability of prepaid dues in the amount of $5,977.00 left a net equity of $4,034.87. He also reported current membership of 271, of which 65 are electronic.

Chris Novell communicated that RFID will be the topic for the June general meeting. Bruce Preston has volunteered to do a talk on converting vinyl albums to a digital format for the July general meeting. Some other ideas for future meetings include how to use the extra features on a cell phone, and What is Web 2.0? She is also working towards getting a speaker to discuss HDTV for the September or October General Meeting.

Jim Scheef reported that Anna Collens has added a ‘Join DACS Now’ link on the home page of the DAC’s website, which gives members the ability to pay for their membership via Pay Pal.

Rob has generously donated his IBM Thinkpad 600e to be used as a backup machine for the general meetings. He has installed a variety of browsers on it including Opera and Firefox, along with a copy of Microsoft Office 2003 that Jim received from Culminus, Inc.

A discussion ensued on what software should be purchased from TechSoup. The board voted and approved the purchase of Creative Suite 2 for Mac to be used by Patrick to edit the newsletter, it includes Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator and GoLive and Acrobat 8.0 Professional.

Rob confirmed that Gene Minasi has reserved the Danbury Hospital auditorium for the July 10th general meeting. Rob also mentioned that he is in the process of getting a backup system setup in the resource center. !

-Lisa Leifels

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