Board of Directors Minutes
June 11, 2007

A regular meeting of your Board of Directors was held on Monday, June 11, 2007. Present were Howard Berger, Charles Bovaird, Richard Corzo, Sean Henderson, John Lansdale, Lisa Leifels, Patrick Libert, Rob Limbaugh, Chris Novell, Jeff Setaro and Jamie Yates. President Rob Limbaugh presided and secretary Lisa Leifels kept the record. Minutes of the last meeting held May 7, 2007 were corrected and approved as corrected.

Treasurer Charles Bovaird reported current cash assets of $9,788.45, consisting of total bank and postal accounts in the amount of $9,729.14 plus postage on hand of $59.31. Subtracting a liability of prepaid dues in the amount of $5,599.00 left a net equity of $4,189.45. He also reported that the current membership increased to 275, 70 of which are electronic.

First considered was the subject of programs for General Meetings, confirming the program on converting LP’s to CD’s by Bruce Preston for July. Christine is working on setting up a presentation by someone from EasyTech, a company that offers technical support at Staples. Rob suggested we may be able to get a speaker from Cisco, since their certification process requires a candidate to do a presentation. A presentation on VOIP or home networking were a few of the topics Cisco could cover at the meeting.

Rob decided we should renew our clip art subscription since it is used to create the covers on the DACS newsletter, the cost is $165 per year.

Patrick will include a box in the newsletter to let members know that they can join or renew their membership via Pay Pal.

Howie plans to set up a meeting with someone from the volunteer center of Danbury and investigate ways that DACS can extend its reach to the community.

Richard was given a copy of Dreamweaver 8, since he will be filling in as the webmaster.

Rob found a free calendar program called VCalendar that Anna is currently testing to see if it will work on the DACS website. This will give SIG leaders the ability to make their own changes to the calendar.

-Lisa Leifels

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