Board of Directors Minutes
September 2007

by Lisa Leifels

A regular meeting of your Board of Directors was held on Monday, September 10, 2007. Present were Charles Bovaird, Howard Berger, John Gallichotte, John Lansdale, Lisa Leifels, Patrick Libert, Rob Limbaugh, Christine Novell, Jeff Setaro and Jamie Yates. President Rob Limbaugh presided and secretary Lisa Leifels kept the record. Minutes of the last meeting held August 13, 2007 were approved.

Treasurer Charles Bovaird reported current cash assets of $8,504.13, consisting of total bank and postal accounts in the amount of $8,437.22 plus postage on hand of $66.91. Subtracting a liability of prepaid dues in the amount of $5,457.00 left a net equity of $3,047.13. He also reported that the current membership increased to 262, 74 of which are electronic.

Christine Novell reported that Cisco will be doing a presentation on network security at the October general meeting. Christine also mentioned the possibility of demonstrating how Yahoo Answers works at a future meeting. Father and son team, Bruce and Scott Preston have offered to do a joint presentation on how to upload video to YouTube.

Howie Berger presented his thoughts on how DACS can expand their membership by working with the non-profit community and establishing a partnership with the Greater Danbury Nonprofit Resource Center (GDNRC). He suggested that DACS create a new SIG geared towards solving the IT issues facing non-profit companies. He suggested that members of DACS coordinate with the GDNRC to develop an IT plan that addresses the hardware and software needs for small non-profit companies.

Rob and Sean presented the results of the DACS focus group at the August 22nd APCUG Symposium. Jamie, Sean and Christine also attended the dinner meeting. Jamie reported that the APCUG meeting had representatives from clubs in Poughkeepsie, New Canaan, Westchester, Trumbull and New York City. Jamie shared some new ways to increase membership and keep a balanced budget from a list of 100 ideas he picked up at the meeting. He also pointed out that there will be a longer meeting planned on a weekend in May 2008.

The idea was suggested for DACS business cards, of which Jeff volunteered to do the design. At the end of the meeting Patrick showed the board the layout for the new newsletter cover.

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