Make Your Own Zip Command

by John Lansdale

Compiling an Open Source Project from Source - In Windows.

While working on a project in Windows XP that usually runs in Linux I discovered something missing. The command for compressing files, “zip” is available in almost all Linux distro’s but not Windows XP. I could comment it out, etc. but making temporary patches in semi-live code just for testing isn’t the best idea. The test isn’t exact and it may be forgotten. I needed a real zip.exe (command) with the same Linux options.

Figure 1. The PHP program expecting a zip command

system("zip -j $ $dir/* >/dev/null"); // run the zip command
rename("$", "$html_root/$"); // rename the .zip file

Yes Windows XP has SentTo Compressed folders, and yes my system has WinZip. I even have 7-zip and bzip2.exe, but nothing named "zip”, that creates “.zip” files and has the same Linux options. The evaluation version of WinZip won’t even run from the command line. Winzip32.exe pops up a window. I needed the real thing.

After some search I found the Open Source project I needed, Zip For Windows at

It had the zip binary (.exe) I needed but being somewhat unsure of its exact compatibility with the Linux version assumed in my PHP program I decided to download and compile the whole source file. Now maybe this was just an excuse because I could have just downloaded and tried the binary. But then what if, like so many of the other zip-alike programs on my system it didn’t work. Oh, and I could do review the source looking for any virus/spyware -- very important. Besides, having run gcc (the standard c++ compiler) in Linux enough times. I was curious if it worked in Windows.

The answer is yes. A little different from Linux but one can compile open source c++ projects in windows without paying any money. It is fairly fast and easy to do. No C++ knowledge is needed. Here’s how. .

Download the Zip for Windows source files at: and unpack. Note the folder.
Next get a C compiler and where better than Microsoft? Free Visual Studio Express; Visual Studio C++ can be downloaded at . Yes this is Microsoft giving away something that not long ago cost over $400. And they also have C#, Vb.Net, and Sql Server 2005, enough to do just about any project you want. I think they were pushed into it by IBM’s incredibly good, also free GUI source editor Eclipse and a plethora of other good programming environments. You have to register after 30 days to get the software key. I’ve done it for C# and Microsoft doesn’t seem to be too intrusive (i.e. no junk mail.) Setup was easy.
Hardest part is finding the C++ project in your unpacked zip project. Its name is zip.vcproj and mine was way down in C:\gun32\src\zip\2.31\zip-2.31\win32\vc6.
Start C++ and browse to open it. It works. No errors or anything. You just take Build->Build Solution and it works. Output zip.exe (binary) goes to . C:\gnu32\src\zip\2.31\zip-2.31\win32\vc6\zip___Win32_Debug. The project is still in debug mode. If you take Build->Configuration Manager and change zip from debug to release the output goes to …\ zip___Win32_Release. You could also change the target folder in Project->Zip Properties.

Figure 2. zip project o[en in Visual Studio Express, Visual Studio C++

Copy the exe to some location in the system path (or add one) and try. Mine worked perfectly, even using the –j option (to only zip top level files) correctly.

Figure 3. Test it out. Compare to man zip (Google it or do it in Linux). Pretty close match on options. For me the –j option works as intended.

Copyright (C) 1990-2005 Info-ZIP
Type 'zip "-L"' for software license.
Zip 2.31 (March 8th 2005). Usage:
zip [-options] [-b path] [-t mmddyyyy] [-n suffixes] [zipfile list] [-xi list]
  The default action is to add or replace zipfile entries from list, which
  can include the special name - to compress standard input.
  If zipfile and list are omitted, zip compresses stdin to stdout.
-f   freshen: only changed files
-d   delete entries in zipfile
-r   recurse into directories
-0   store only 
-1   compress faster 
-q   quiet operation
-c   add one-line comments
 -@   read names from stdin
-x   exclude the following names
-F   fix zipfile (-FF try harder)
-A   adjust self-extracting exe
-T   test zipfile integrity
 -u   update: only changed or new files
-m   move into zipfile (delete files)
-j   junk (don't record) directory names
-l   convert LF to CR LF (-ll CR LF to LF
-9   compress better
-v   verbose operation/print version info
-z   add zipfile comment
 -o   make zipfile as old as latest entry
-i   include only the following names
-D   do not add directory entries
-J   junk zipfile prefix (unzipsfx)
-X   eXclude eXtra file attributes
-!   use privileges (if granted) to obtain all aspects of WinNT security
-R   PKZIP recursion (see manual)
-$   include volume label
-e   encrypt 
-S   include system and hidden files
-n   don't compress these suffixes
C:\>zip -j zopesite/*
  adding: Password.txt (208 bytes security) (stored 0%)
  adding: start.bat (208 bytes security) (deflated 10%)
  adding: z2.pyc (208 bytes security) (deflated 57%)
  adding: Zope.cgi (208 bytes security) (deflated 43%)
  adding: zpasswd.pyc (208 bytes security) (deflated 55%)

Now we’re ready to make some changes, compile and change other Open Source projects. Which, just as soon as I finish this PHP project and a couple more and I learn Java in our Open Source SIG and I get a little more time to study C++ and you finish up that Java, Cold Fusion, shell script, C#, VBA and COBOL job we’ll have to get together and work on something.

John Lansdale, CDP, MCP

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