Board of Directors Minutes
October 2008

A regular meeting of your Board of Directors was held at the Resource Center on Monday, October 13, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. Present were Howard Berger, Charles Bovaird, Richard Corzo, Sean Henderson, John Lansdale, Patrick Libert, Rob Limbaugh, Anna van Ommeren, Jeff Setaro, Jim Scheef. President Rob Limbaugh presided and Secretary Anna van Ommeren kept the record. Minutes of the last meeting held September 8, 2008, were presented and approved. Treasurer Charles Bovaird reported current cash assets of $6406.42, consisting of total bank and postal accounts in the amount of $6307.64 plus postage on hand of $98.78. Subtracting a liability of prepaid dues in the amount of $1905.00 left a net equity of $4501.42. He also reported that the current membership is at 224 - 113 of which receive the mailed Dacs.doc newsletter.

Charlie mentioned that the insurance for the resource center will be due end of January at a cost of
$888.00/annually. Rob gave a follow up report that Safe Home Security visited and advised him of the options if they took over. If deemed necessary they would upgrade and warrantee the equipment. The cost is approximately $25/month for general monitoring. They would credit for amounts already paid for, so there is no overlap payment for service. Rob will follow up with Safe Home.

Rob announced a change in the general meetings dates, starting January 2009, the meetings will be held on the first Monday of the month in the Hospital auditorium. He also mentioned that the new room across from the auditorium is available for a small fee and can be configured into large or small meeting rooms which could offer DACS the opportunity to hold multiple workshops or mini-conventions. Rob mentioned he would remind the presenters for the Jan/Feb/March meetings that the meetings are now on the first Mondays.

Rob brought up the subject of DACS website hosting and reported that Jay Ferron of APCUG offered DACS access to a 2008 virtual server (part of our membership benefit) to host the site. Supporting programming languages include classic.asp, dotnet, php. Rob will find out how scalable the space is but assumes it is sufficient for the DACS needs, although space considerations were a concern voiced by John.

Regarding written reviews of the meeting presentations for the newsletter, Sean mentioned he will write reviews for the meetings he is able to attend. In case he is absent, Patrick offered to take over the task. Rob offered to do the previews scheduling permitting. The upcoming November issue preview will be prepared by Rob and Sean will write the preview for the December meeting.

Sean mentioned that he is in contact with John Patrick, confirmed speaker for the December general meeting, and Sean will continue to promote the event and provide text for the DACS site. Possible book signing at the meeting was also mentioned.

Two thousand nine General Meeting topics were up for discussion. Subjects ranging from new browsers, programming, Apple-related, speakers from computer magazine or Google, back-up & safeguarding data, and ‘green” computing were discussed. Sean suggested a more “people-centric” presentation by people who have made major contributions to the computing world and suggested the Board send him suggestions for people to ask. The subject of the general meeting agenda was discussed, but other than staying close to the planned time schedule, it was agreed not to change the order of the evening events.

Howie gave a report regarding the ongoing DACS collaboration with the GDNRC Technology Committee. This pilot plan offers non-profits a virtual IT structure, and 5 organizations are signed up.
Although not in need of technical IT support, DACS can help train participants with software use, and training facilities may be offered by TBICO. The pilot group assessments will occur before Thanksgiving, and are planned to go live by Jan 1. Jim mentioned the need to find teaching volunteers by December - experts in donor management, fundraising software and gift-works would be ideally suited. This working relationship also helps the DACS visibility in the community.

Newsletter distribution and printing costs were discussed. Although local colleges receive copies, Rob suggested the local schools libraries or media centers should also get the newsletter. Regarding color printing, the color cover 6-month trail supply is exhausted. Charlie reported that assuming 250 are printed; there would be a savings of $121.50/month if restricted to B/W only. To take advantage of the bulk mail rate 200+ copies need to be sent, and the yearly fee is due February. The advantages of color and the amount of copies to be printed will be debated by the Board in December. Howie will look into “nonprofit” pricing options available through a Pitney Bowes bulk mailing program. Sean moved to extend the color cover test through December. The newsletter advertising page and rate card needs to be updated and the advertising rules and prices were discussed. Bulk mail regulations limit the kinds of advertisers that can be accepted. Another idea put forth was offering a discount, and a coupon system giving the opportunity to track responses and provide response to advertisers.

Howie mentioned DACS consider offering a high school competition, with a reward for the winnings. A technology topic encouraging team participation would be specified. Local funding resources for a monetary reward would be researched by Howie as well as whether a scholarship can be offered. The possibility of a presentation by the winning team at a general meeting was mentioned.

-Annette van Ommeren



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