Minutes of the 2013 Annual Meeting
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Jim Scheef, a current director, acted as moderator.

Called to order by the moderator at 7:55pm December 3, 2013.

The moderator announced the order of business to be the election of directors. He then noted that there are no minutes available from the last annual meeting and there is no Treasurer’s report. These will be corrected for next year. A member moved that the meeting accept the Treasurer’s report as published in the December issue of DDACS.doc. Another member seconded. The discussion showed that the report covers only one month and not the entire year. Bruce Preston moved that we waive the minutes and treasurer’s report. Another member seconded. In the discussion, it was suggested to table the reports to the January meeting, but waiving the reports with a pledge to do better next year, seemed to be a better idea. The moderator called for a voice vote which passed the motion unanimously.

DACS is a corporation and thus the members elect directors who manage the club by appointing officers. There are eleven seats on the board. Five seats are up for election this year. Directors serve a two-year term and are elected in two classes so half of the directors are elected each year. This helps ensure continuity for the club.
The moderator read the list of nominees.



Bert Goff


Lisa Leifels


Bruce Preston


Jim Scheef




He announced that there is an open director’s seat that can be filled by a nomination from the floor. The nominee must be present and agree to stand for election. There were no nominations from the floor.

The moderator then asked for a motion to accept the entire slate as presented. Andy Woodruff moved that all nominees be accepted by a unanimous vote. Bruce Preston seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The moderator called for a voice vote by those who are current DACS members. The aye vote was loud. There were no nay votes. The moderator declared the motion to have passed and congratulated the directors. The moderator asked if there was additional business for the annual meeting. There being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn. Dick Gingras made the motion which was seconded by Bruce Preston. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.

Minutes submitted by Jim Scheef based on a recording of the meeting.

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