Directors' Notes

January 12, 1998

DACS' Board of Directors held its monthly meeting at the Resource Center in Danbury on Monday, January 12. Present were Messrs. Bovaird, Buoy, David, Gingras, Heere, McIntyre, Ostergren, Preston, Setaro, and Mrs. Owles. Also present was Jim Scheef. Chairman Ed Heere presided. Secretary Larry Buoy kept the records of the meeting. The minutes of the December 8 meeting were read and approved.

Finance and Membership

Treasurer Charles Bovaird reported checking and postal balances of $15,625.01, receivables of $315.00, and postage on hand of $155.92 for a total cash position of $16,095.53, with no accounts payable. He also reported that membership stood at 661. After comments on the much improved mail distribution of the January newsletter, Mr. Bovaird withheld judgment on the permanence of such improvement.

New Equipment

Chairman Ed Heere announced that, with the concurrence of Jeff Setaro, he had negotiated with a supplier of projection equipment for the purchase of a new unit meeting the criteria previously discussed and authorized for use at general meetings.


President McIntyre reminded the directors that officers for the coming year are to be elected at the April meeting of this Board, and that since he will not be a candidate, he would volunteer to chair the nominating committee. His offer was accepted.

History of DACs on the Web

The Board then discussed preparing a definitive write-up of DACS' history for inclusion in its Web Home Page and other appropriate media. The project was welcomed in principle, and it was suggested that long-term and past members of DACS be asked to help compile the text.


With respect to increasing DACS' membership, it was suggested that short presentations by DACS personnel be offered during adult education or continuing education courses in our area. It was also suggested that we find someone to report DACS news to the media on a regular basis.

Chairman Ed Heere proposed the possibility of enhancing online presentations at general meetings and the initial foray into providing Internet service, via satellite, by a local cable television provider.

Bruce Preston said he would prepare a questionnaire seeking feedback from the membership on SIG interests and leadership for distribution at a general meeting and inclusion in dacs.doc. He also proposed that a possible workaround to the restrictions imposed on our Web Home Page by the Danbury Public Library's regulations would be a server of our own tied in to the Library's and the possible donation of such equipment.

A true record.


Lawrence Buoy


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