Directors' Notes


January 11, 1999


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on January 11, 1999. Present were Messrs. Bovaird, Buoy, Cohen, David, Gingras, Heere, Ostergren, Preston, Setaro, and the Mrs. Gaberel and Owles. Chairman David presided and Secretary Buoy kept the records of the meeting. The minutes of the December 7 meeting were approved.

Finance and membership

Treasurer Charles Bovaird reported combined checking and postal accounts of $14,436.80 plus postage on hand of $72.00, a total of $14,509.52. He also reported current membership of 566.

NT upgrade update

Jeff Setaro reported that the Windows NT operating system for the principal computer at the Resource Center had not as yet arrived.

Digital Camera

Charles Bovaird reported that he was in possession of the digital camera and that although it had been available at the January general meeting, the cancellation of the scheduled presentation made its use moot.


President Ostergren announced that he had spoken to Steven Bull of the Danbury Chamber of Commerce about helping with the publicity and PR for the planned Y2K program in May. Mr. Bull has invited DACS to attend Chamber of Commerce meetings. Mr. Ostergren also advised that he had obtained acceptance by the Housatonic Valley Publishing Company to include an article on DACS and listings of our activities in its regional newspapers.

Y2K program

Ed Heere led a discussion of the upcoming Y2K program, including the makeup of its panel and its moderator. It was agreed that its focus, other than an update of the progress of software compatibility in general, be on problems for individual and small-business users and on online help or fixes for problems. He will prepare a tentative agenda for the program by the next meeting.

Community service award for VFJ

President Ostergren discussed the recent public service award to VFJ from APCUG and the need for recruiting additional volunteers for that SIG through announcements at general meetings, in dacs.doc. and on the Website. Options for free access to the Internet for VFJ clients and possible inclusion of VFJ at a Chamber of Commerce meeting were discussed. It was agreed that VFJ Director Shirley Fredlund be advised to seek volunteers from outside DACS, possibly at Heritage Village. Also considered was a general press release regarding the above award and an insertion on our Website.

No more

The Board was advised by President Ostergren that had terminated free service for DACS and that an alternative should be sought among the local providers.


Continued discussion about how to increase DACS membership was held, with suggestions to increase PR in the press and at area high schools. New to such discussions was the possibility of a one-on-one recruitment by current members with incentives.

A true record.


Lawrence Buoy

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